Link HubSpot to Operating and plan teams for projects in your sales pipeline

Operating is a resource allocation tool for professional services companies. By connecting your HubSpot CRM, you can plan teams and match the right consultants for upcoming projects. Link sales and delivery, and have one place to plan for upcoming work.

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Join the group of happy customers using 


 and Operating together

Ville Loppinen
General Manager
Columbia Road

Operating replaced a ton of spreadsheets that used to link our CRM and time tracking systems

Alisha David
Supreme Optimization

Operating integrates with HubSpot and Harvest, automatically importing data to plan optimal project teams and workloads.

Jacqueline Enoch
Founder and Lightning

We replaced our complex finance projection spreadsheet with HiBob leaves visible in Operating, keeping our calculations up-to-date.

Connect your deal pipeline with a couple of clicks

See your HubSpot deal pipelines and choose when deals flow into Operating

  • Sync data from HubSpot to Operating with our plug and play integration
  • Choose the deal stages relevant for staffing
  • Increase transparency between sales & operations

--> How Columbia Road uses HubSpot with Operating

Operating horizon screenshot

Plan teams for projects before they start

Plan the team setup, roles or specific consultants, to projects in your sales pipeline

  • HubSpot deals create tentative projects automatically
  • Navigate between Operating and HubSpot with ease
  • Match the right consultants to projects based on role, skills, and availability

Operating Timeline screenshot

Allocate & Forecast

Allocate resources to meet the budget from CRM, and forecast tentative capacity

  • A project and people timeline for different points-of-view
  • Allocate work with hourly rates and project budgets
  • Visualize your deal stages on the project timeline
  • Forecast tentative capacity and use HubSpot deal probabilities to account for uncertainty
See how it works
Planned vs. actual hours comparison

9x More Efficient Resource Allocation With Operating

See how Supreme Optimization saves hours per week in resource allocation by reducing manual data input and distributing the responsibility for project staffing to the whole team.

Download our Operating Routine for Staffing

Agencies and consultancies of all sizes – from a boutique to an international powerhouse – should operate efficiently. We wrote a Staffing Routine and a solid agenda for your weekly meeting. Get the guide.

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